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XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트 > 스포츠·레저

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오늘 본 상품 26

  • XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트
    XXIO 12 여성 5,504,900
  • 길이가 똑같은 싱글랭스 아이언 세트 원랭스 경량스틸 > 스포츠
    길이가 똑같은 싱글 760,000
  • CRESTGOLF 골프치퍼 양방향 칩퍼 필드용 연습용 35도 양면형 웨지 아이언 골프채
    CRESTGOLF 31,140
  • 스코티 카메론 핸드메이드 조커 코로나도 핀테일
    스코티 카메론 핸드 8,673,900
  • 마쓰이골프 치퍼 701C 88.9cm
    마쓰이골프 치퍼 7 53,280
  • 캘러웨이 CG 베어 여성 바이저 썬캡 골프모자
    캘러웨이 CG 베어 22,800
  • (테일러메이드) 2021년 스파이더 S 퍼터
    (테일러메이드) 2 189,000
  • 볼빅 여성용 VBDP 시그니처 리본 바이저 모자
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  • 티맥스 칼리버 퍼터 86.36cm
    티맥스 칼리버 퍼터 46,000
  • 스노우라인 로켓붐 스토브
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    밴프 원터치 육각 390,000
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    아베나키 루프탑텐트 2,500,000
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    고캠 유니크체인아이 24,000
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    볼빅 골프 버킷 벙 38,000
  • KC인증 22KN 초강력 등산로프 10mm 10M 등반자일 밧줄 > 스포츠
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XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트 > 스포츠·레저

XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트 요약정보 및 구매

상품 선택옵션 0 개, 추가옵션 0 개

사용후기 0 개
판매가격 5,504,900원
브랜드 XXIO
모델 XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트

선택된 옵션

  • XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트


  • 상품 정보

    상품 상세설명



    • Driver
      • ActivWing structure stabilizes the club head by generating lift during the downswing for maximum speed and distance
      • Rebound Frame uses alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones to enhance speed with more spring-like performance
      • Flat Cup Face makes the center of the face larger and thinner to improve speed at all impact points across the face
      • Six face segments with variable bulge and roll to add shot shape correction in common mis-hit areas
      • Lighter, thinner crown re-positions mass to lower the center of gravity for greater forgiveness
      • Fine-tuned Sound Ribs for perfect pitch every time you hit the ball
      • Weight Plus Technology uses added weight in the butt-end of the club to produce a smooth, easy, more consistent swing
      • Heavier club head paired with an extremely light shaft works together to increase ball speed and swing speed at the same time without having to swing harder
      • Fixed, non-adjustable hosel
    • Fairway Woods
      • ActivWing structure stabilizes the club head by generating lift during the downswing for maximum speed and distance
      • Rebound Frame uses alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones to enhance speed with more spring-like performance
      • Flat Cup Face makes the center of the face larger and thinner to improve speed at all impact points across the face
      • Cannon Sole features a floating weight pad that optimizes launch and improves face flex
      • Lighter, thinner stepped crown re-positions mass to lower the center of gravity for greater forgiveness while promoting more face flex
      • Weight Plus Technology uses added weight in the butt-end of the club to produce a smooth, easy, more consistent swing
      • Heavier club head paired with an extremely light shaft works together to increase ball speed and swing speed at the same time without having to swing harder
      • Fixed, non-adjustable hosel
    • Hybrid
      • ActivWing structure stabilizes the club head by generating lift during the downswing for maximum speed and distance
      • Rebound Frame uses alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones to enhance speed with more spring-like performance
      • Flat Cup Face makes the center of the face larger and thinner to improve speed at all impact points across the face
      • Cannon Sole features a floating weight pad that optimizes launch and improves face flex
      • Lighter, thinner stepped crown re-positions mass to lower the center of gravity for greater forgiveness while promoting more face flex
      • Weight Plus Technology uses added weight in the butt-end of the club to produce a smooth, easy, more consistent swing
      • Heavier club head paired with an extremely light shaft works together to increase ball speed and swing speed at the same time without having to swing harder
      • Fixed, non-adjustable hosel
    • Irons
      • Rebound Frame uses alternating layers of stiff and flexible zones to enhance speed with more spring-like performance
      • Titanium face is incredibly thin and flexible for maximum ball speed and distance
      • High-density tungsten-nickel weight in the toe of the 5-7 irons increases stability and forgiveness
      • Shorter hosels helps lower the center of gravity and boost forgiveness
      • Progressive variable face thickness optimizes speed and launch in each specific iron with an optimized center of gravity
      • Loft-specific grooves enhances spin and control as you move from the long irons into the short irons
      • Weight Plus Technology uses added weight in the butt-end of the club to produce a smooth, easy, more consistent swing
      • Heavier club head paired with an extremely light shaft works together to increase ball speed and swing speed at the same time without having to swing harder
    • Stock shaft: XXIO 12 MP-1200 Graphite
    • Stock grip: XXIO 12 Weight Plus, 27 grams
    • Set composition: Driver, 3 wood, 5 wood, 7 wood, 6 hybrid, 7 iron, 8 iron, 9 iron, pitching wedge, sand wedge, lightweight cart bag
    • Driver, fairways, and hybrid include headcovers
    Top Rated : 5
    Driver : 12.5° Loft | 43.5" Length | 59° Lie | 460cc | C1 Swing Weight
    3 Wood : 16° Loft | 42" Length | 58° Lie | 186cc | C0 Swing Weight
    5 Wood : 20° Loft | 41" Length | 59° Lie | 163cc | C0 Swing Weight
    7 Wood : 23° Loft | 40.5" Length | 59.5° Lie | 149cc | C0 Swing Weight
    6 Hybrid : 28° Loft | 38" Length | 61° Lie | B8 Swing Weight
    7 Iron : 30° Loft | 36.25" Length | 62.5° Lie | 2° Bounce | B8 Swing Weight
    8 Iron : 34° Loft | 35.75" Length | 63° Lie | 3° Bounce | B8 Swing Weight
    9 Iron : 39° Loft | 35.25" Length | 63° Lie | 4° Bounce | B8 Swing Weight
    Pitching Wedge : 44° Loft | 34.75" Length | 63.5° Lie | 5° Bounce | B8 Swing Weight
    Sand Wedge : 56° Loft | 34.75" Length | 63.5° Lie | 12° Bounce | B9 Swing Weight
    Stock Shaft : XXIO 12 MP-1200 Graphite
    Grip : XXIO 12 Weight Plus, 27 grams
    Gender : Women's
    Type : Full Club Sets

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    품명 XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트
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  • XXIO 12 여성용 프리미엄 컴플리트 세트